Best IPhone VPN

Over the course of recent years, smartphones have become increasingly popular devices for browsing the internet, sending emails and consuming online media. As a direct result, there has also been an increase in demand for compatible security products to keep users safe.

For Apple iPhone users, a number of VPN providers offer encryption, privacy options and the ability to unblock online content, including VyprVPN, ibVPN and Private Internet Access. So which of the three VPN services is the best overall?

Security and Privacy

When it comes to online security, all three services offer excellent encryption protocols, allowing users to feel safe while browsing the web or making use of internet-based communications. All three VPNs also offer support for P2P filesharing; something which many VPN providers object to.

However, ibVPN and Private Internet Access outscore VyprVPN on the basis that they both operate a no logging policy, while VyprVPN logs user data for 30 days and is subject to US data legislation. That said, ibVPN’s policy does come with some conditions, so Private Internet Access provides the best overall security and privacy package. Here you can find out all about PIA vpn.

Pricing Strategies

While there is no major difference between the services in terms of cost, ibVPN currently offers the cheapest pricing strategy of the three. It also offers a 15-day free trial, in comparison to VyprVPN’s 3-day trial.

Private Internet Access is hindered by the fact that it is the only one of the three to not offer a free trial period. This means that there is an element of risk to subscribing, as users are not able to try before they buy and make sure that it definitely works with their iPhone.


Of the three VPN providers, Private Internet Access have the most basic support for iOS and its setup guides are extremely limited. This means that inexperienced VPN users, or those who lack technical knowledge, may struggle to make effective use of the client software.

By contrast, both ibVPN and VyprVPN have solid iPhone apps and provide a decent level of support for iPhone users. VyprVPN emerges slightly ahead, on the basis that it offers up to three simultaneous connections, meaning customers can use the service on multiple devices, as well as faster speeds.


Although it scores highly on security and privacy, Private Internet Access is held back by its more basic level of support for iOS, as well as its lack of a free trial. That leaves VyprVPN and ibVPN to battle it out. Both have issues with their logging policy, although the ibVPN policy is the better of the two. ibVPN is also cheaper.

However, VyprVPN allows for simultaneous connections, provides faster speeds and is a more polished all-round service. Therefore, as long as users do not mind the logging policy, VyprVPN is the best VPN service currently available for the iPhone.